Coral reefs can evolve naturally and adapt to climate change if we keep them healthy. There are practical things all of us can do to ensure that coral reefs, and the sea life and human communities that depend on them, all flourish together.
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Working alongside local communities and partners—from fishers and government leaders to SCUBA divers and scientists—CORAL protects one of our most valuable and threatened ecosystems. Your generous donations support our vital work.

Coastal communities
If you live near a coral reef, you likely know their beauty and importance firsthand. For local communities, CORAL has created resources to help you address the most important threats and issues quickly and engage multiple stakeholder groups to protect your local reefs and help them rebound. Use the main navigation menu to find a list of all of our resources.

Leave only bubbles
Support coral-friendly businesses when traveling. Research hotels, restaurants, snorkel and dive operators, and other businesses to learn about their environmental practices. Tourism can damage coral reefs if not conducted properly.
While many businesses educate about and enforce best practices when interacting with the marine environment, it’s still your responsibility to follow these regulations. Download and review CORAL’s best practices guides to ensure you are ready to be in and around the water.
These guidelines are also meant for coral parks practitioners. Whether you are a park manager, dive operator, or part of the local community, these are for you to use and adapt as outreach and education materials.
What Everyone Can Do
Live Sustainably
Reducing your carbon footprint is one way to fight the effects of global warming and lessen large-scale threats to reef ecosystems. Take small but powerful steps like switching to compact fluorescent light bulbs, planting native trees, recycling, buying energy-efficient cars, avoiding pesticides, and teleconferencing instead of flying when possible.
Be a Smart Consumer
Make conscious decisions about items you purchase and buy used whenever possible. Being a mindful consumer will help reduce your overall carbon footprint. You can also make a difference by choosing your products wisely like opting for reef-safe sunscreen and avoiding items like coral jewelry or curios and household goods made from animals that once lived in the ocean.
Choose to support businesses that have a strong commitment to protecting the environment, and use your voice (and your dollars) to advocate for more businesses to adopt best practices.
Become an Advocate
Advocate for high-level policy change. Let your representatives know you care about climate change and vote for measures and candidates that commit to reducing emissions and preserving the environment.
Follow CORAL online and amplify our content with your networks. Share your own stories about why ocean conservation is important to you.